Saturday, September 29, 2012

Rest In Peace, Charles Alfred Eldon: A Pioneer Of Silicon Valley, A Role Model For This New Generation

180px-Eldon_005Decades before Steve Jobs, the Google founders, and Mark Zuckerberg, small groups of unglamorous technologists turned Santa Clara Valley into the world-changing region we are still reinventing today.?My grandpa, Charles Alfred ?Bud? Eldon, was one of them, a Hewlett-Packard engineer and executive since the days of the apricot orchards. He passed away at 7:45am this morning. I'm going to share a little bit about his life below, because my generation in Silicon Valley and the tech world needs to know about all the shoulders of giants we are standing on, and the heights we can also reach. Too many of us don't right now. His story begins in Hawaii during the Great Depression.


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